
Coatings Systems for Asphalt Roofs

Asphalt roofs are commonly used on commercial and residential structures, large and small. Unfortunately sunlight degrades the asphalt and weather extremes often lead to roof leaks and premature roof failure. High-performance liquid acrylic elastomeric roof coatings and reinforced roofing systems from Acrymax are just the answer for extending the life of these roofs. With moisture and thermal protection that is unmatched in the industry, Acrymax elastomeric roof coatings and membrane systems – whether fully reinforced, partially reinforced, or coating-only – are the perfect answer for any asphalt roof project, whether it’s an existing built-up roof, a smooth or granulated asphalt surface, a cold-process roof, or a modified bitumen roof.

Constantly repairing roof leaks can be costly. Moreover, if an asphalt roof is allowed to deteriorate too far then complete roof replacement may become necessary—a very expensive proposition! So, roof maintenance is important, but why just slap another asphalt coating on your roof when you can use an Acrymax roof system or one of our acrylic elastomeric coatings to renew and protect it? With one of Acrymax’s fluid-applied, liquid acrylic roof coatings or reinforced elastomeric roof membrane systems, your asphalt roof will be well-protected with a sustainable roof system that will extend the life of your roof and save you money and headaches.

Cool Roof and Reflective Roof Systems for Asphalt Roofs

These products and systems offer thermal protection properties and overall energy efficiency. Our reflective roofing and cool roofing systems reflect heat off your asphalt roof and help reduce energy bills.  Whether you use one of our fully-reinforced roof coating systems, which combine our liquid-applied elastomeric roof coatings with polyester reinforcing fabric, a partially reinforced roof system, or a roof coating-only option for your asphalt roof, you will see a valuable return on your investment in every energy bill and in reduced roof maintenance costs.

And because our coatings are waterborne instead of petroleum-based, they are friendlier to the environment and safer for workers applying the product and for those in and around the building being worked on.

Commercial Roofing Systems and Low Slope Asphalt Roofs

Protective roof coatings and elastomeric roof systems from Acrymax can be applied to almost any kind of asphalt roof, be it a commercial low-slope roofing project or residential roofing. Acrymax asphalt roof coating systems can be applied to built-up roofs, modified bitumen roofs, or cold-process asphalt roofs.

Fully Reinforced Membrane

Acrymax features fully reinforced elastomeric roof membrane systems – like the ARS-1-A, ARS-1-A50XT, and ARS-1-FR roof systems – to cover smooth or granulated asphalt surfaces, built-up roofs, or modified bitumen. The ARS-1-A and ARS-1-FR systems create an average membrane thickness of 45 mils, while the ARS-1-A50XT system provides an average thickness of 50 mils and utilizes finish coats of Acrymax AF-130XT high-strength roof coating. The ARS-1-FR system – designed for recovering existing asphalt roofs – is a fluid-applied reinforced elastomeric roof membrane system approved by Factory Mutual (FM) when applied according to specifications, thanks to Acrymax AF-130FR fire-retardant roof coating.

Partially Reinforced Membrane

Acrymax offers the ARS-2-A25 and ARS-2-A30XT partially reinforced elastomeric membrane roofing systems to protect, maintain, and waterproof smooth or granulated asphalt surfaces, including modified bitumen and existing built-up roofs. The ARS-2-A25 system provides an average thickness of 25 mils on the field of the roof and 45 mils on the reinforced areas, while the ARS-2-A30XT averages 30 mils on the field and 50 mils in reinforced areas using high strength AF-130XT as the finish coat.

Elastomeric Coating Systems for Asphalt Roofs

ARS-3-A20 Roof Coating System: Designed for smooth or granulated asphalt substrates, the ARS-3-A20 system can be used as a reflective coating for energy savings, a color coating for aesthetic and architectural purposes, or a protective coating system. This system provides unmatched durability and weatherability, and, when applied properly, will yield an average thickness of 20 mils.

ARS-3-MB15 Roof Coating System: This elastomeric coating system is specifically formulated for newly installed modified bitumen roofs thanks to Acrymax AF-130MB, a state-of-the-art elastomeric acrylic coating that provides unparalleled adhesion to new modified bitumen roof membranes and other asphalt-based substrates. The ARS-3-MB15 system serves as a reflective coating for energy efficiency, a protective coating system, or a colored coating for aesthetic and architectural purposes. It provides a monolithic roof covering – averaging 15 mils in thickness – with superior weatherability and durability, protecting your roof from UV light degradation and normal weathering.

Contact Us

Acrymax offers much more than just roof coatings and roof membrane systems for asphalt roofs. We can cover nearly any roof under the sun, including single-ply roofs, concrete roofs, and metal roofs. We also produce and provide architectural coatings, waterproof masonry coatings, concrete coatings, products for historic roof restoration, and specialty products for marine and aerospace usage. Contact Acrymax today to reach the source for all of your coating needs.