
Costly Corrosion

“The global cost of corrosion is estimated to be US $2.5 trillion, which is equivalent to 3.4% of the global GDP (2013). By using available corrosion control practices, it is estimated that savings of between 15 and 35% of the cost of corrosion could be realized; i.e., between US$375 and $875 billion annually on a global basis.” – NACE International Impact Report 

What is Corrosion?

Corrosion is a natural and unavoidable phenomenon that occurs when a refined, pure metal gradually reverts back to its more chemically stable oxide state. This process happens through a complex series of electrochemical reactions that slowly eat away at the integrity of metal materials over time. When a metal is extracted from its ore and processed, it is refined into a purer form that is less stable than its natural oxide state. 

However, that refined metal is inherently driven to recombine with the oxygen, moisture, and other elements in its surrounding environment. This process of slow degradation transforms the metal back into a more stable oxide compound. The corrosion happens on the atomic level. The metal’s molecules interact with and are broken down by external chemical reactions, and manifest as rust on iron, tarnish on silver, or oxidation on aluminum. 

While corrosion is an unstoppable natural process, the rate at which it occurs can be slowed through protective coatings, alloy formulations, or controlled environmental conditions. Nonetheless, all refined metals are intrinsically susceptible to this gradual deterioration, making corrosion an unavoidable challenge that engineers, manufacturers, and industries must continually work to manage and mitigate.

Not Only Metal

Concrete, a ubiquitous building material used in countless structures worldwide, is often considered one of the most durable building materials. However, it is not immune to the natural processes of decay and deterioration. Concrete corrosion is a complex phenomenon. It is the gradual breakdown and disintegration of the solid concrete components that make up bridges, buildings, and other vital infrastructure. This deterioration is driven by a variety of chemical, colloidal, and physicochemical factors that attack the very makeup of the concrete itself.

Corrosion Control

The industrial, commercial, and architectural sectors are heavily dependent on the use of coatings to protect their critical assets and investments from the negative and costly effects of corrosion. Types of corrosion control coatings Acrymax offers include:

  • Barrier Coatings – Protect by preventing water, oxygen, and electrolytes from contact with an underlying metal.
  • Inhibitive Coatings – Contain ingredients that work to hinder corrosion.
  • Combination of Both – Barrier and Inhibitive properties

By leveraging the versatility of modern coating chemistries, Acrymax has been able to develop innovative solutions customized to the individual performance requirements – not only of the individual industries, but of the individual clients as well. Our coating systems blend the functional benefits of modern technology with esthetic considerations to deliver optimal results. 

PC-125 Rust Inhibitive Primer and PC-535 Elastomeric Rust Inhibitive Primer – both by Acrymax provide exceptional corrosion resistance for a variety of materials.

For additional information on how Acrymax can help you protect your building assets from the deleterious effects of corrosion contact us now, Contact – Acrymax or send us an e-mail at