
Roller Application Tips

The following are tips for painting with rollers. Some of these tips are common sense while others are bit more technical

Roller Type

  • Flat finish paints are best applied with a polyester fabric.
  • Enamels and gloss paints use a woven or lambskin fabric.
  • The core of the roller cover must be able to keep its round shape and not absorb water or solvent.
  • The thickness of the nap will vary from ⅛ in. up to 1½ in.
  • Thicker naps on rougher surfaces make it possible to deposit coating material into deep recesses.

Application Technique

  • Before using the roller, rub the dry roller cover briskly to raise the nap.
  • Fill the coating container tray about half full. Load the roller uniformly by rolling it into the coating, then back and forth on the tray ramp.
  • Before you use a new roller, roll it out completely on newspapers or cardboard. This conditions the fibers and works out air bubbles.
  • For large jobs, a half-filled, five-gallon bucket with a bucket spreader screen can be used. You can precondition the roller on the spreader screen.

While these tips are good, remember to consult the manufacturer for recommendations on application equipment. For specific information on Acrymax coatings, please see ATB-102, which can be found on our technical support web page –

These types are summarized from the Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings article. Additional information and the article in its full version can be found on Paint