DVGBC’s 2015 Sustainable Symposium at Temple University
Acrymax was in attendance at the DVGBC’s 2015 Sustainable Symposium held at Temple University. The Delaware Value Green Building Council brought together industry, academic and government leaders who came out in droves to show that sustainability is a priority. Here at Acrymax, we have been manufacturing white coatings for energy-efficiency since the 1950’s. That’s before […]
Ecobuild America Exhibition December 3-7, 2012
Acrymax Technologies, Inc. will be an exhibitor at the Ecobuild America Exhibition which will be held in early December. The Ecobuild America Exhibition will be held at the Washington, DC Convention Center. Acrymax’s exhibit will focus on sustainability, high performance, and technology solutions. Acrymax will feature a new product, ARS-1R, a composite elastomeric roof coating […]
Extend the Life of Your Roofing Assets
Recoatability and a forever roof? Could an Acrymax system be your forever roof? With proper maintenance and periodic recoats we say it can. Perhaps a bold statement, but it is one that we make with confidence based on decades of experience and the continuous performance of our applied coating systems. Inferior coatings do not allow […]
Fire Control Tower 23 that helped protect Delaware Bay is now protected by Acrymax
On a recent boat trip around Cape May Point over the 4th of July Weekend I shot the following picture. The concrete tower in the background is Fire Control Tower No. 23 that was part of the defense system known as Fort Miles. The Tower was built in 1942 and was one of 15 towers […]
Fort McHenry Rodman Cannon Restoration
In fall 2016, the National Park Service undertook the restoration and painting of the Rodney Cannons at Fort McHenry. These cannons were cleaned back to bare metal via a high pressure water jetting process and received a robust Acrymax coating system designed for corrosion control and color retention. The primer of the system was PC-125 […]
Greenbuild 2013 is only 3 months away
The world’s largest green building conference is coming to Philadelphia and Acrymax will be there. Will you? If so be sure to stop by booth #2404 in the “500 mile pavilion”. Stop by to learn more about our sustainable roof systems including our innovative elastomeric coatings that contain up to 50% recycled content. For more […]