
Updated Products Designations for Preservation Products, Inc.


Attention Valued Acrymax Customers

Preservation Products, Inc. was started in the early 1990’s to offer Acrymax protective coatings to the historic preservation market.. At that time, we felt it was appropriate to have separate product designations for the coating products we were offering to this unique market. The designations we used were HP-1000 for our standard elastomeric coating, HP-5000 for our high strength finish coating, & HP-7000 for our rust inhibitive primer.

With new regulations on product labeling and documentation going into effect in 2015  we are eliminating the HP-1000, HP-5000, & HP-5000 designations and will be using the same designations used by Acrymax Technologies Inc. the manufacturer of Acrymax coatings. The products will continue to be the same superior quality products you have come to expect from Preservation Products, only the designations will change.  Additionally, we will also be opening up our product offerings to include a variety of other products from Acrymax Technologies that are useful in protecting historic and vintage structures.

From this point forward

  •  HP-1000 will be known and labeled by its Acrymax product designation AF-130
  •  HP-5000 will be known and labeled by its Acrymax product designation AF-130XT
  • HP-7000 will be known and labeled by its Acrymax product designation PC-125

 If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us for further details on these updates.